SeaSide Lights

Tasman Island

Tasman Island Lighthouse is built on an island with sheer cliffs, at the entrance to Storm Bay, Tasmania.
The Original lens was 1st order dioptric, vaporized kerosene, flashing every 5 seconds. It is now on exhibit at the Australian maritime Museum in Sydney.

Tasman Island Lens - 2004    Tasman Island Lighthouse c1910

Technical/Historical Details
Technical / Historical Details
Nearest Town Port Arthur  Height - Elevation 29.0m (95ft) - 276.2m (906ft) 
Lat/Long: 43°14.5 148°00.2  Lantern NAL-1 
Construction White iron tower  Lens Vega VRB25 Beacon  
Built 1906  Character Fl.W. period 7.5s 
First Lit 1906  Range NM 18W  
Automated solar 28/3/1991     
De-activated   Open No 
Architect   Access Helicopter 
Reference 6716 K 3614  Accommodation No 
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