SeaSide Lights

Bonnet Island

Designed/Built by Huckson and Hutchison of Hobart.
hellsgate.jpg (61103 bytes) grahford Creative Commons photo

Technical/Historical Details
Technical / Historical Details
Nearest Town Strahan  Height - Elevation 11.6m (38ft) - 13.7m (45ft) 
Lat/Long: 42°14.0´S 145°14.0´E  Lantern  
Construction White hexagonal wooden tower  Lens  
Built 1892  Character Dir.Fl.W.R.G.period 3s fl. 0.5s, ec. 2.5s 
First Lit 1892  Range NM 10W 2R 2G  
Automated 1910     
De-activated null  Open No 
Architect   Access Boat 
Reference 6900 K 3668  Accommodation No 
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