Heads is located on the coast just east of Nowra. A Pilot station was commissioned there on 1
February 1872. From 1882 a light consisting of a red lantern from a ship's mast-head and
supported on 2 poles was erected. Later this was replaced with a brass lantern in a wooden
lighthouse. The existing light was lit in 1904 and the replaced building demolished the
next day. The lantern from the Cape St George Lighthouse, which was de-commissioned on the
completion of the Pt Perpendicular lighthouse in 1898, was utilised.
No longer used, the lighthouse fell into a state of disrepair but later refurbished with wire
mesh surrounding the lantern room. It has again been neglected and vandals have broken every
piece of glass in the lantern room despite the mesh. Being isolated and so short, it is an easy target.
The light in pristine condition - C 1908
Why do people feel the urge to vandalise these lovely buildings?
Photo: Wollongong
City Library &
Illawarra Historical Society